Dental Implants in San Antonio, TX- 78253
Dental implants can turn out to be a life-changing solution for those who are in need of the most advanced restorative dentistry method. Mysa Dental is a premier practice offering dental implants to patients for over 10 years. As an accomplished San Antonio dental clinic, we recommend implants to patients seeking a long term solution.
A dental implant comprises three key parts: a small titanium post, a metal ball resting on the top of the titanium post, and an O shaped rubber ring. The titanium post is surgically implanted into the jaw bone and it works as the root of the missing teeth. An artificial tooth is attached to the metal ball and the ball rests on the gumline. There are several advantages of a dental implant and the most important of them all is that it is indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Below are some more benefits:
- Implants need minimum maintenance
- Eat, laugh, chew and smile with confidence
- They maintain the integrity of your jaw bone because they do not depend on surrounding teeth’s support
- Implants are better than conventional dentures

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Patient Testimonials
I had a huge deal of dental issues and pain before I visited Dr. Khushbu Malhotra who is the best dentist in San Antonio. He treated me with care, positivity and humor. I would recommend Mysa Dental to others as well.
I had a missing tooth and I couldn’t smile and chew the way I used to. Thanks to Mysa Dental Clinic- the best dental clinic in San Antonio, TX- 78253! They advised a dental implant and helped me every step of the way.
My teeth had tons of problems and Mysa Dental solved all of them with utmost care and professionalism. The way they treat patients makes seeing the dentist a lot more pleasant.